Online Sales Policy
Dealer Online Sales Policy for PDW Products
- The Authorized Dealer must operate a brick and mortar physical shop (provided, PDW may make specific exceptions in writing) in order to present PDW products and service its customers appropriately.
- Dealers are prohibited from using third party marketplace platforms (3P) for the display, promotion, sale, or fulfillment of any PDW product. Third party marketplace platforms (3P) include, but are not limited to, Amazon, eBay, Sears, Newegg, Jet and Walmart.
- Authorized Dealer's website shall be operated under a site name that incorporates its full operational business name (i.e. the name under which the Authorized Dealer operates its brick and mortar store). The site name shall prominently appear on the home page of the Authorized Dealer's website.
- The Authorized Dealer's contact details comprising at least a valid registered office address, telephone and email shall be clearly visible on the home page of the Authorized Dealer's website.
- The Authorized Dealer shall not use intellectual property of PDW in any way, whether in a domain name or in the content of the Authorized Dealer's website or any other website, without the prior written consent of PDW.
- The Authorized Dealer shall only sell the PDW products directly from the Authorized Dealer's website and shall not link to third party web sites for product sales or fulfillment (i.e., directing consumer traffic to is not permitted unless otherwise approved in writing by PDW). PDW reserves the right to approve any third party data feeds on the Authorized Dealer's website. Third party links without written approval from PDW constitutes a violation of this agreement.
- PDW reserves the right to set (or to not set) a minimum purchase amount of PDW products to be purchased by Authorized Dealers for online sale.
- PDW reserves the right to make its own independent decision regarding a specific dealer’s status as an Authorized Dealer at any time.